God Is Dog Photobook


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God Is Dog is a large format self-published, professionally printed photobook. View Video Preview

Artist Statement: The central quality of this collection of images stems from a two-part observation. First, the contemporary individual swims in the ambiguity of a brutal, hastily-assembled world. Second and in contrast, brief moments of light make existence beyond worthy, so all is not bleak. Still, genuine sentiment is often lost in translation, disease creates anxious energy, love is hard to feel, and most desire what will destroy them in the end. I believe that it is unproductive to focus on this darkness for there is a light hidden from the rational mind that lurks in the body and appears in moments of clarity. The images of this book attempt to bottle this light, as well as the shadows it produces.

The images also catalog, what it is like to be a young man today. With an inconsistent disposition, the photographs interrogate, celebrate, and condemn the difficult and characteristic conventions of machismo, excess, vagrancy, and sexuality within the context of young men in California. It's both a love-letter and hate mail.